Content Visualization: Video Infographics

At Spitball, we preach a few different things. For the web, we like to think that content is king. But too often clients ask us if we simply do copywriting. Of course we do, but the content of a website goes far beyond text-on-screen because another thing we tout is engagement. In today’s ever-shrinking attention spans, content like this blog post are barely read and glossed over. God forbid someone reads right? Text has its place but visualizing content is becoming more and more important. It’s often an area clients struggle with when presented with a Spitball proposal. It will always include a section for Content Visualization – which is highly dependent on budget. To truly engage your audience, you need engaging content which can be extremely riveting copywriting all the way to visual and video storytelling.

We recently came across this great NPR video about Earth’s history – more specifically human’s time on Earth since its formation.

A simple stat could have suffice to explain how little humans have roamed the world. Or a well-designed timeline could have done the trick. Or a compelling interview with graphics. But NPR’s video shows the spectrum of possibilities when it comes to content creation. This is the very reason why we like to work with clients on the goal of their websites to insure the right budget is allocated to content so it doesn’t become simply a web design and development exercise. It also helps with budget allocation across all marketing. This content creation not only is applicable to the web but can also be re-used in other communication such as social, advertising or trade. It ultimately can help maximize one asset cost by creating value across all marketing.