Heaven's Night

Video Production

When entering into a new business conversation we are often asked “Have you ever worked in the ____ industry?” This is a prime example of why the answer of “no” is perfectly fine and in many cases, works to our advantage

A fledgling author literally walked into our office and asked for a meeting. Being the friendly bunch that we are, we invited him in to hear what he had to say. He had written a book that was a marriage between mythology and biblical stories about the fall of heaven and the rise of satan. The problem was that he couldn’t get published and asked if we could help. After a moment’s pause we said “Sure.”

The book, a stack of papers bound together by a clip, was so graphically detailed that the visions almost popped off the pages. Instead of traditional marketing, we decided to try something that hadn’t been done up until that time. We create a movie style trailer for it.

We identified five key scenes from the book that, when linked together with a compelling narrative, captured the entire essence of the story to hook the audience. It wouldn’t be a Spitball project if we just created simple illustrations. Oh no. We commissioned an artist in Greece who specialized in fantasy art to bring the pages to life.

The illustrations were created in multiple layers which allowed our editing team to work their post-production magic. The result outshined even our expectations and blew the client away. We were able to secure a placement in the Apple store as an e-book to start and featured the trailer. Sales began to soar and he was soon contacted by a private equity group that looked to not only publish his book but also fund a publishing entity.