Schlesinger Associates

B2B Advertising Campaign

Concept, Design and Custom Illustration

Schlesinger Associates is an internationally recognized market research company, specializing in qualitative research. While Schlesinger Associates were leaders in qualitative research, their quantitative research services were slow to roll out. Once they did, potential customers still pigeon-holed them as “the qualitative guys.” This was obviously a problem.

Spitball met with the key stakeholders to determine what separated Schlesinger Associates from other similar research companies. We found that they were extremely hands-on and looked to make the normally painstaking process of gathering the ever-important tidbits of consumer data as easy as possible.

Cue the light bulb.

Schlesinger Wheel
Schlesinger Brain

There is nothing simple about assembling the right individuals, assigning the right moderator, digesting the results and spitting out the findings. There’s a precise science to it that Schlesinger Associates perfected, across all of their services. Spitball developed a creative concept around things in life that are perceived to be difficult or overly complicated like reinventing the wheel or brain surgery. When brands come to Schlesinger Associates they know the team of professionals are doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes to ensure their experience is the most convenient, streamlined and rewarding for BOTH qualitative AND quantitative research.

The campaign was featured in leading trade publications.